The Better Looking, Smarter Working Skin Tear Sleeve
A quality skin sleeve provides a real comfort level...not only in the way it feels to the skin, but also in the way it makes you feel, whether you’re a patient or a concerned caregiver. That’s why our Sock Science skin tear sleeves are so well-received by those wearing them and those utilizing them as part of their daily care regimen.
Take a closer look at our Skin Tear Sleeves.
Purchase Skin Tear Sleeves:
(Medium) or (Large)
Free Samples for Healthcare Professionals
For a free sample sleeve of each size and a helpful brochure, just call give us a call: 1-800-514-0003.
Skin Tear Prevention – Evidence for Sleeves
“...the results of controlled clinical studies and case series consistently suggest that education and implementation of prevention protocols reduce the incidence of skin tears in extended care facilities by at least 50% .”
Ratliff, CR & Fletcher KR. Skin Tears: A Review of the Evidence to Support Prevention and
Treatment. Ostomy Wound Management. 2007;53(3):32-42.
“Patients at risk for skin tears may also benefit from use of long sleeves, protective sleeves, elbow pads and long pants.”
Roberts, MJ. Preventing and Managing Skin Tears: A Review. Journal Wound, Ostomy, and
Continence Nursing. 2007;34(3):256-259.
“Plans to prevent skin tears that employ skin sleeves, padded side rails, gentle skin cleansers, moisturizing lotions, as well as staff education, can decrease by half the number of skin tears incurred in a long-term care facility.”
Wick, JY & Zanni GR. Skin Tears: Prevention and Treatment. The Consultant Pharmacist.
July 2008;23(7):508-518.
“ a 1-year retrospective chart review of all incident reports from a large long-term care facility with an average census of 350. ... Most skin tears (80%) occurred on the arms – the forearm was the most common location.”
Malone ML, Rozario N, et al. The epidemiology of skin tears in the institutionalized elderly.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 1991;39(6):591-5.
sweaters, with an attractive knitted
pattern. It’s soft and comfortable,
easy to put on by myself and blends
with anything I’m wearing.”
again, so they’re more economical than
disposable ones. And they hold their
shape beautifully, so patients feel good
about wearing them.”
The soft natural feel, the breathable mesh and the cushioned, tapered style offer total comfort, whether your arm’s at rest or you’re doing your daily routines.
The Sock Science arm sleeve lets you offer patients a solution that maintains their dignified appearance and keeps its flexibility and soothing texture through dozens of washings mixed with traditional clothes. Easy to put on and remove, our attractive sleeve simplifies your job.